Tuesday, July 4, 2023

5 months to 50 Musings

Just random thoughts on this day that marks 5 months until I turn 50 that I feel compelled to share. 

The other day during a conversation with my dad, he mentioned my upcoming 50th.  He remarked that my upcoming birthday is what is now making him feel old.  He wondered out loud, "How is it that I am old enough to have a child turning 50?"   I completely get his question, as I've found myself asking a very similar one, each year my children age.   In 5 months, shortly after turning 50, all of my children will be legal adults.   How am I old enough to have three legal adults? 

My mom often reminds me that our age is just a number.   Yes, and.... how strange to reach a number that you once thought was "old" and you don't think yourself  "old!"     Although, I think I've felt that at other decade birthdays.  I think 30 was the biggest feeling.  Somehow I remember thinking that 30 was old, that I had expected that I would have accomplished so much more by that age (I had accomplished quite a bit - married, two kids, a congregational rabbi, but somehow thought there was more I needed to do by then.).  Of course, I think some part of me feels the same turning 50 - it feels old and I'm thinking about what I've accomplished or what is my legacy (am I too young to think about that?)

Finally, what a strange experience tonight to watch the PBS July 4th special and feel that the music of the 80's can now be classified as "old."  Belinda Carlisle and Boyz 2 Men were featured.   How very strange it was to watch the musical acts of my childhood, those musicians who were a decade + older than me, now perform their music from "back in the day."   I mean, how crazy that the 80s seem old?  Does this mean in another 10 years, Brittany Spears' music will be "classic?"   Oy, scary!!  Interestingly, Alfonso Ribeira was hosting and he was introduced for his time on Dancing with the Stars.  I've never seen Dancing with the Stars and found it funny that for a show featuring 80's music, it wasn't mentioned that he was from Fresh Prince of Bel Air.  Oh well, perhaps too many would have thought of the reboot and not the original where he played Carlton.

The seasons they go round and round. . . .